James Gunn is having a great deal of fun trolling fans attempting to figure John Cena’s The Suicide Squad character. At the point when the 2016 Suicide Squad neglected to intrigue crowds, Warner Bros. looked for another course for the wannabe group. They chose a cross between a continuation of the first and a reboot, one that has been composed and coordinated by Gunn. The Suicide Squad will highlight a for the most part new cast of characters, with a bunch coming back from the 2016 film. Precisely what they will all do is not yet clear, as Gunn has kept many, numerous subtleties a mystery. This incorporates the entirety of the characters; Gunn so far as would not disclose who is playing who.
Among the characters sure to show up in The Suicide Squad are the individuals who were included in the main film: Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman), Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), and Amanda Waller (Viola Davis). Also, David Dastmalchian will purportedly play Polka-Dot Man. Past that, fans were at one point persuaded Steve Agee would play King Shark, yet Gunn appeared to provide reason to feel ambiguous about that. In truth, Gunn appears to truly appreciate playing with fans’ speculations about The Suicide Squad’s characters, as can be seen with his most recent bother.
Via web-based networking media, a fan ordered a rundown of potential characters Cena could be playing. These incorporate Bane, Black Spider, Copperhead, Deathstroke, KGBeast and Solomon Grundy. Gunn saw these and kidded that it’s “somewhat late for the proposals considering we got done with recording in February,” before proceeding to state fans are going to “blow a gasket on how astounding @JohnCena is in #TheSuicideSquad as the character he does play…” Unsurprisingly, Gunn offered no further clues about who that character may be.
A famous hypothesis presently is that Cena will play Peacemaker, something Cena himself never unequivocally denied. One could contend that, since Peacemaker was excluded among those fan thoughts, there’s as yet an opportunity that is who Cena is playing. All things considered, Gunn didn’t appear to support any of those expected contenders. Simultaneously, regardless of whether the fan had accurately speculated Cena’s character, Gunn most likely wouldn’t have affirmed it.
Many are trusting Gunn will uncover increasingly about The Suicide Squad at the DC FanDome occasion, the virtual show that is occurring in August. Gunn has just affirmed he and a portion of the Suicide Squad cast individuals will be in participation, and he additionally guaranteed there will be some cool uncovers. It would bode well that a portion of those uncovers would be character-related. Fans have been guessing about the characters in The Suicide Squad for pretty much a year now, and it’s likely about time they find some genuine solutions.