In this guide we’ll talk about how to get the fishing rod in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral town, as well as how to upgraded it all the way up to the mythic fishing rod near the end of your time in Mineral Town.

Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town Fishing Rod

You can get the Friends of Mineral Town fishing rod almost right away. Once the introductory days are under your belt, head down to the beach when Zack is at home. You can get there by going to the town square and heading out the east exit, and Zack’s house is the one near the pier.

But like all the other Mineral Town characters, Zack has his own unique schedule. He’s only at home:

6 a. m. to 7 a. m. (you won’t make it in time unless you have a grown horse) 11 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. 8:10 p. m. to 10 p. m.

When you enter Zack’s house, you’ll trigger an event where he talks about having an extra fishing rod and passes it on to you.

Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town Fishing Rod Upgrades

When you first get the rod, it’s just at level one like all your other tools. And like your other tools, you can upgrade it at Saibara’s forge.


A higher fishing rod level means you can catch bigger, more valuable fish. In fact, you’ll need at least a Cursed Rod or higher to catch the Guardian Fish and complete the fishing log if you want to marry the Harvest Goddess.

One other thing worth noting for the Cursed Rod is it’s not guaranteed to appear on the mine’s 29 floor. So you’ll want to save on the floor before, then re-load and try again if it doesn’t appear. Cursed in Friends of Mineral Town just means you can’t un-equip it until you break the curse.

Since the requirements for doing that dropped from using it 255 times to just using it 50 times, that shouldn’t prove too difficult. You don’t need to actually fish with it either; it counts if you’re just pressing the button.

And that’s all you need to know about the Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town fishing rod. If you’re just getting started, be sure to check out our other Friends of Mineral Town guides for more ways to maximize your time on the farm.

Story of Seasons  Friends of Mineral Town Fishing Rod Location   Story of Seasons  Friends of Mineral Town - 58Story of Seasons  Friends of Mineral Town Fishing Rod Location   Story of Seasons  Friends of Mineral Town - 12Story of Seasons  Friends of Mineral Town Fishing Rod Location   Story of Seasons  Friends of Mineral Town - 84