The line-up: Group A

Manuel “Grubby” Schenkhuizen - Independent - Protoss EU Dan “ViBE” Scherlong - ROOTGaming - Zerg NA Samuel “Kane” Michael Morrissette - ROOTGaming - Zerg NA Sanghwan “Sound” Bae - StarTale - Terran KR

The line-up: Group B

Benjamin “DeMusliM” Baker - Evil Geniuses - Terran NA Brandon “PuCK” Arlie Qual - ROOTGaming - Protoss NA Kyeonghyun “SeleCT” Ryoo - Independent - Terran NA Myeonghwan “Golden” Jo - StarTale - Zerg KR

Event times (all times PDT)


2:00pm Stream starts2:15pm Sound vs. Grubby3:15pm DeMusliM vs. Golden4:15pm Kane vs. ViBE5:15pm PuCK vs. SeleCT6:15pm Sound vs. ViBE7:15pm PuCK vs. Golden


2:00pm Stream starts2:15pm Grubby vs. ViBE3:15pm DeMusliM vs. SeleCT4:15pm Sound vs. Kane5:15pm DeMusliM vs. PuCK6:15pm Kane vs. Grubby7:15pm Golden vs. SeleCT


2pm-7pm Playoffs & Finals

In addition to the stream, you can check out the Red Bull eSports Twitter for updates about events and general Starcraft 2 Training Ground happenings.