At the UBS Global Technology Conference in San Francisco, EA CFO, Blake Jorgensen shed some light on the company’s 10-year Star Wars licensing deal with Disney, specifically concerning Battlefront. With this agreement, EA’s plan is to make multiple Battlefront games along with other games in different genres that will release on various platforms.

Jorgensen said:

The agreement allows EA to use content from not just from the Original and Prequel trilogies, but will also include the new trilogy and any spin-off films that follow. EA has also stated that it does not intend to make any tie-in games, but will instead use the movies as a foundation to create their games. 

Quick Take: Personally, I would have preferred that the company kept quiet on these plans and saved them for a future showcase or conference when they were ready to unveil the next game. But I suppose this is the age we live in now, where no secret is safe and fewer companies are valuing the “surprise announcement” at their major conferences. It’s nice to know that this game isn’t the end of the road but all this announcement really does is confirm what most fans already know.