Coppola, who has been expecting to make this her advancement to On The Rocks, changed the content from Presley’s 1985 book Elvis And Me, which shared all pertinent data of her life married to the man.

According to Cutoff time’s sources, Coppola has had Spaeny as her top choice for Priscilla since she initially decided to make the film, while Elordi won the work in a tryout. Playing Elvis in the shadow of Austin Steward’s star-creation work in the ongoing year’s movie seems like no basic achievement, yet with Coppola’s bearing, there’s trust.

A24 distribuirá el film.

— ContraCinema (@Contracinema9) September 12, 2022

Priscilla should shoot before the year’s end, but there’s no conveyance date set for the film yet.